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71 S Pleasant St, Amherst, MA Community Hours: Open Weekdays 10-2 (413) 256-6425
93 Main St, Florence, MA Community Hours: Open Weekdays 11-2 (413) 586-5829
Lonesome Brothers Songbook: the songs of Jim Armenti and Ray Mason Complied by Scott Hall
Cry My Beloved America: A Call to Action Alexander Polikoff
Queen of the Mountain: An Autobiographical Novel Zane Kotker
Mammoth, Massachusetts: A Collection of Speculative Folk Fiction Jordan J. Hall
Quarrelsome Quabbin: The First Century of Greenwich and Enfield, Massachusetts Carl I. Hammer
Beyond the Monuments in Washington D.C. Michael Jacobson-Hardy
Common Place: The Public Library, Civil Society and Early American Values Thomas E. Johnson Jr.
Sun on the Muddy Poems by Jim Armenti, Photographs by Dave Madeloni